LIVE stream video and online broadcasts

Create powerful online and high quality streamed video based events. Streaming video LIVE has never been easier and working with our team allow you to have broadcast standards readily, professionally and competitively.  Have the edge over your competitors by having high quality, professionally produced virtual events.

online broadcast

Online webinars are a regular part of the way business, communications and learning in organisations is conducted nowadays.

People are also finding that it is now expected that video is used more effectively than ever before to enhance presentations, whether virtual or in person.

Being able to run professional, online events, presentations, webinars or broadcasts gives your organisation an edge over your competitors.

To do this you need a creative and technical team who are experienced, reliable and can ensure your brand and professional standards are reflected throughout.

This is where the Capture 1 experience comes in. Whether it is producing pre-recorded presentations, content or video; or running a LIVE broadcast, event or webinar; we have the technical expertise and experience to not only make it work but to give it impact and communicate successfully.

We have helped clients with virtual conferences, sales webinars and charity fundraisers through our LIVE streaming and content creation support capabilities and technical experience.

We have equipment that is flexible, reliable, and keeps costs under sensible control; which is all music to our clients ears!

If you run online events or have a virtual event requirement, talk to us; we always offer free advise as a starting point.

Fill out the contact form below or email us. 

event filming