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Using WhatsApp to drive engagement, sales and long term success for consumer brands
As we head into Q4, it’s essential for consumer businesses to capitalise on Black Friday and seasonal promotions. The key to success lies in not just driving sales, but also in how you engage with both new and existing customers. WhatsApp, with its impressive open rates and personal touch, can be a powerful tool to help you to achieve these goals. Here’s some ideas for how you can use clever WhatsApp automation to elevate your campaigns and build long-term customer relationships.
23 things we’ve learnt from 23 years in business……
23 tips for running a business, sales, marketing as well as learning and development to make your business last 23 years….
The Capture 1 marketing agency founders share their learnings from 23 years in business….with tips for business, sales and marketing as well as the importance of learning and development. Whether you are in your first year of business or a seasoned business there will be some helpful business tips for you….
How to use WhatsApp to grow your business
If we told you we know a brilliant way you can connect with customers and grow your business that doesn’t require anyone to be online
How to use video to communicate with clarity and success
Take a look through your internet search history and you’ll probably find a few questions starting with ‘How to’. Amongst my own recent searches are:
5 new takes on video content marketing ideas
ideas for ways to make video work within your marketing. Produce videos that inform, educates, inspires and has impact!
5 untapped benefits of instant chat messaging for education marketing
Instant chat messaging is not new technology. It’s been around for years yet its potential is untapped, particularly in education sector marketing . Since WhatsApp launched